Blog Archive
Friday, 26 January 2018
Monday, 7 August 2017
My Mega Unicorn givaway on facebook.
My HUUUGE Unicorn giveaway. (All made by me) This will be run, starting from today until the last day of August 2017 on my facebook page - click here to enter. That gives people plenty of time to Like the page, tag a friend and share. That is all you need to do to enter this amazing giveaway.
It is international and there are no age limits.
If you have not liked, tagged and shared by close of competition then your entry will not be eligible for inclusion.
This giveaway is not affiliated with facebook and is being run by
It is international and there are no age limits.

If you have not liked, tagged and shared by close of competition then your entry will not be eligible for inclusion.
This giveaway is not affiliated with facebook and is being run by
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
New at Liana Marcel, quick update.
Since the last time I posted, things have been a little different. Firstly I moved into my new work room at the workshop where my worse half runs his joinery business and set up my new room as my domain 4 days a week. Now I am there with all the machines Monday to Thursday and at my home studio the rest of the week. This means I split my time with tasks and have been a lot more productive.
The new space needs some decorating I think. Glam it up!
I have been working my little butt off lately as we come up to the first of our annual summer events. The first being Volksfling in Biggar, Scotland which we attend every year!
Lot's of new bright goodies and fab handmade items galore. All of which you can find at
Since I am starting to really get into a good routine, have now two places to work and create I really want to get back to making youtube videos, So I hope to see you over there soon.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
I am still around!
Just a quickie update. I am still around, you can find me on social media as either this name or my author name L.T.Marshall ( Leanne Marshall on facebook and twitter) I am still crafting but I split my time between crafts and writing as I am now also a published author. I will hopefully have more updates over summer with my yearly Liana Marcel events! Watch this space.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
A little update , No i'm not dead!!!
I have made a return to youtube and a return to my blog YAY! So you can cheer with me , or maybe not. Truth be told I have been super busy with my writing blog, writing page and the novels I am in the middle of writing. Not to mention my weekly blog series on my newest blog. I know , I know...I'm crazy but hey ho. It makes me happy!
So first I shall give you a little insight to what I have been doing. I finished my first romantic novel, it's called Just Rose and should be for sale on Amazon in the nearest future. It is currently going through the editing process and you can find little excerpts and character profiles on my blog !
So first I shall give you a little insight to what I have been doing. I finished my first romantic novel, it's called Just Rose and should be for sale on Amazon in the nearest future. It is currently going through the editing process and you can find little excerpts and character profiles on my blog !
I started a fabulous Witch series on my blog, a free read along every week with lots of extras!
I restocked Liana Marcel with some new rainbow things!
Oh and I have a giveaway running too with fabulous hand made witchy items!
Monday, 22 August 2016
Want to win a £15 gift voucher?
To be spent on my store
All you need to do is visit
Either link takes you right there to leave some genuine feedback.
This can be either a review on a previous purchase or simply what you think of my website or products.
I expect honesty so even if I am not your kettle of fish then feel free. Once you have left the review just comment below with DONE, so I can keep tabs on all entrants and manage to contact the winner via here or facebook.
Will end on the 5th September. 2016. Feel free to browse my store before you enter to see what you would spend the voucher on!
That's it. Free and easy and will only take a moment of your time.
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Tooth fairy jars from
So a few weeks ago i was sitting staring at my mass collection of tiny glass vials and trying to come up with something a tad different.
As an avid youtube watcher of craft videos i had been intrigued to see polymer clay artists regularly adhering clay to glass with a few tips and tricks.
My brain began to work overtime at the possibilities and already having a love of making small intricate designs with polymer clay i soon came up with an idea. Combining my love of whimsy and fairytale with my love of small containers, glass and purposeful things i created my Tooth Fairy Bottles.
Why are these so much better than a tooth under the pillow?
Well having two children of my own i can assure you that it is no mean feat trying to slide your hands below the head of a sleeping child in the darkness and trying to locate something as small as a tooth.
With my bottles you do not place these under the pillow at all.
Instead you put your tooth inside and leave it to bask in the moonlight on a window sill or shelf. That way fairies see the little token holder and know to come get your tooth.
And when not in use i sell small sachets of glow in the dark pellets that can be stored in the empty jar. When its dark at night the tiny spaces in the clay glow subtly giving it such a magical quality.
I do two sizes of these cute bottles, the small are for tiny baby teeth and can fit a good size of small tooth, they are more dainty and charming. The larger can fit up to large lost teeth easily and are a bit more robust, suitable for children with naturally larger teeth.
Each one is lovingly hand crafted and although very cute and made for childrens teeth please do not let your children play with them. They are afterall a glass vial covered in clay which can be broken off or bitten at.
Want to purchase ? Visit my store
As an avid youtube watcher of craft videos i had been intrigued to see polymer clay artists regularly adhering clay to glass with a few tips and tricks.
My brain began to work overtime at the possibilities and already having a love of making small intricate designs with polymer clay i soon came up with an idea. Combining my love of whimsy and fairytale with my love of small containers, glass and purposeful things i created my Tooth Fairy Bottles.
Why are these so much better than a tooth under the pillow?
Well having two children of my own i can assure you that it is no mean feat trying to slide your hands below the head of a sleeping child in the darkness and trying to locate something as small as a tooth.
With my bottles you do not place these under the pillow at all.
Instead you put your tooth inside and leave it to bask in the moonlight on a window sill or shelf. That way fairies see the little token holder and know to come get your tooth.
And when not in use i sell small sachets of glow in the dark pellets that can be stored in the empty jar. When its dark at night the tiny spaces in the clay glow subtly giving it such a magical quality.
I do two sizes of these cute bottles, the small are for tiny baby teeth and can fit a good size of small tooth, they are more dainty and charming. The larger can fit up to large lost teeth easily and are a bit more robust, suitable for children with naturally larger teeth.
Each one is lovingly hand crafted and although very cute and made for childrens teeth please do not let your children play with them. They are afterall a glass vial covered in clay which can be broken off or bitten at.
Want to purchase ? Visit my store
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Make a DIY Unicorn magical whimsical card with my art :)
I was pretty much gorging myself on paper craft videos on you-tube this week due to being unwell and stuck home with sick kids too. I watched with envy at all the new Lawn fawn stamps and dye kits and thinking how awesome it would be to design my own stamps and dyes ( hint hint lawn fawn, ranger...whoever else makes stamps ??? lol) I had this sudden brainwave!!! I am only a beginner when it comes to paper crafting and my supplies are very sad and practically non existent My stamp collection is very eclectic from years of random gifts and junk shop finds. So instead of pushing aside the paper in a huff, i had decided i wanted to make my own pretty card today to send a friend and i wanted it to be as beautiful and hand crafted as the videos i watch on you-tube!
So how do you remedy the lack of cards and stamps?
I made my own printable sheet bringing together all the elements i wanted and voilà ....I am lucky enough to have a laser printer so printing this out on watercolour paper is almost like stamping right? And as for having no dyes well that's what scissors are for! YAY
I can shrink it to any size and print it off, I could even colour it online too if i was being super lazy and then just mount it on pretty card. Add some sparkle and VOILA!
And because i'm a sweet sharing girl here it is for you to print and use too.
Please if you do use this image give me some credit for it as i lovingly hand drew this piece and feel free to tag me in social media or share to my pages :)
So how do you remedy the lack of cards and stamps?
I made my own printable sheet bringing together all the elements i wanted and voilà ....I am lucky enough to have a laser printer so printing this out on watercolour paper is almost like stamping right? And as for having no dyes well that's what scissors are for! YAY
I can shrink it to any size and print it off, I could even colour it online too if i was being super lazy and then just mount it on pretty card. Add some sparkle and VOILA!
And because i'm a sweet sharing girl here it is for you to print and use too.
Please if you do use this image give me some credit for it as i lovingly hand drew this piece and feel free to tag me in social media or share to my pages :)
Sunday, 6 March 2016
My review of Eli Chems new clear art resin
So after a week of playing with a new resin i am finally sitting down to type this up.
I was one of the lucky 25 resin artists globally who received a free tester kit from Eli Chem resin of there brand new art resin formula. The awesome thing is this has not even been put out for general sale yet and they wanted our feedback before they did so. Does that make me feel super special? HELL YEAH.
Once it was shipped from Elichem who are UK based it got to me literally next day! It was packaged so well it took me a good 10 minutes to open the box and a further 10 minutes to get the resin seal off lol.
Now am i not one of those crafters who try it out on a piece they were thinking of making already then just post the results with a photo....ummm no i am far too over critical and over analytic to do something that easy. No no no... I had to go all techy on myself and try it out in various ways and in various colours. I am known for making something simple into a huge big adventure lol.
Yes i know your probably yawning by now but this accomplishes 2 things...firstly i get a real feel for the resin using it in so many ways and flook awesome pieces that can potentially happen if you dont use a product enough are less likely. You use it more the chances are you will run into issues, find its flaws and strengths and get used to using it. And using it more and in many ways means i dont get a knee jerk opinion of the resin....the more you use something the more you really decide if you like it or not!
I wanted to try it clear as it boasts great clarity and bubble release but i also wanted to see if small jewellery casts were something it could be used for.
I am not going to lie, at first my reaction was not kind. First mix and pour, first bubble release playing and i decided i did not like it. It developed a thin film as it cured so that meant adjusting anything in the mould would disturb the film and leave streaks GASP!!! It cured faster into the second stage so meant less playing time and it took longer to fully cure overall. I am a serial tweeker who likes to push things about until the resin gets too thick ARGHHH.
Roll on day 2 and some self reasoning...yes i am a spoiled baby who dislikes anything new, yes i am a total loyal nerd who turns there nose up at things i don't already use and love. I was being harsh.
I started again with no expectations, it took a couple mixes to get a feel for how to lessen bubbles, how to get best results and before long i was using it as easily as my regular mastercast 121 ( by the same company ) I started to realise that the things i did not like actually made sense for a resin used in art. That the things i didn't like were actually a good thing and could be skirted around when trying to use this as a general resin.
I started to actually love this resin. Generally it behaved a lot like my mastercast 121 with some fine differences, improvements i would say. BUT i still love my trusty mastercast and will never stop using it! Now i covered a lot in my video below so pop over to take a gander at what i filmed and learn how to make some awesome faux stained glass resin art while your at it. Video is at the bottom of this post. But as i am a complete un-organised , cloud headed artist there are a couple of things i did not mention in the video which are of great importance. Well they are if you make resin jewellery!
Firstly i forgot to mention sanding the resin...yes it sands easily like most other epoxies!Use the same tools and techniques you are already using.
Viscosity - another really important fact is this resin is more fluid than most epoxies on the market, this thinner more fluid formula is why it has better bubble release qualities and crystal clear finish.
Glazing - i glaze with resin and this was great at being used to create a shiny top coat.
Doming - it was a pleasure to use to dome, thick enough to get a decent dome and i didnt get any overspill and the quicker first stage of setting up meant it was less likely to spill.
Resin amounts- slight variation if you mix a tiny amount and a large amount is really your bubble release. With small amount i suggest using your normal bubble release tricks like preheating and using a flame to pop any after pouring. Larger amounts had great bubble release and hardly needed any flame popping.
Odour - I have hypersensitivity which means super human sense of smell, i guess in a way it voids my review of how it smells lol...the resin smelled of chemical cleanliness and the hardener a slight ammonia, but i stuck it under the nose of innocent visitors and they all said it was odourless. So boo me and my superwoman nose!
Clean up - like regular epoxy i managed to clean down most of my space with baby wipes or used nail polish to get rid of left over stickiness, easy mess free clean up.
Trimming - now if your a resin jewellery maker you will know what i mean by trimming, we either use scissors or a blade to remove over pour before sanding, and as this resin takes a bit longer to fully harden it was easy to do both, i did find there was a slight slight sticky feel if you demoulded too soon but regular use of the resin would teach you when you could without issue.
Ratio - its a 1-1 ratio mix so using measuring spoons or cups keeps you right.
Cure time - the first stage from liquid to gel was very quick, hard to be exact as i didn't time it but 20-30 minutes at a guess. After that it developed a really hard shiny top layer which would fool you into believing it was cured but underneath was still very bendy and soft. The actual full cure to rock hard was overnight and a bit, so i would say 18-24 hours give or take.
The finished shine - super shiny and solid, i loved the clarity once it fully cured!
Where can you get it? well its not been released yet but if you follow eli chem resin on facebook ( )then i'm sure they will be telling the lovely resin followers as soon as its ready. And they do now ship to many overseas countries too...yay!
Will i buy it ? Yes i think i would, but i would use it alongside my regular resin and choose the resin per project. More intricate resin jewellery i think i need the longer liquid stage. I am a resinner who tries to use as few layers as i can and fit different details into one layer at different stages of curing. But i know many resin crafters who work in several layers that this would be ideal for, faster set up means getting through more layers on a piece faster. For doming and glazing this has to be a winner though, its got enough thickness to hold a good dome while being fluid enough to spread easily, good bubble release means less time messing with heat tools and its quicker to thicken and not likely to spill over. And for an art resin project its absolutely perfect!
I was one of the lucky 25 resin artists globally who received a free tester kit from Eli Chem resin of there brand new art resin formula. The awesome thing is this has not even been put out for general sale yet and they wanted our feedback before they did so. Does that make me feel super special? HELL YEAH.
Once it was shipped from Elichem who are UK based it got to me literally next day! It was packaged so well it took me a good 10 minutes to open the box and a further 10 minutes to get the resin seal off lol.
Now am i not one of those crafters who try it out on a piece they were thinking of making already then just post the results with a photo....ummm no i am far too over critical and over analytic to do something that easy. No no no... I had to go all techy on myself and try it out in various ways and in various colours. I am known for making something simple into a huge big adventure lol.
Yes i know your probably yawning by now but this accomplishes 2 things...firstly i get a real feel for the resin using it in so many ways and flook awesome pieces that can potentially happen if you dont use a product enough are less likely. You use it more the chances are you will run into issues, find its flaws and strengths and get used to using it. And using it more and in many ways means i dont get a knee jerk opinion of the resin....the more you use something the more you really decide if you like it or not!
I wanted to try it clear as it boasts great clarity and bubble release but i also wanted to see if small jewellery casts were something it could be used for.
I am not going to lie, at first my reaction was not kind. First mix and pour, first bubble release playing and i decided i did not like it. It developed a thin film as it cured so that meant adjusting anything in the mould would disturb the film and leave streaks GASP!!! It cured faster into the second stage so meant less playing time and it took longer to fully cure overall. I am a serial tweeker who likes to push things about until the resin gets too thick ARGHHH.
Roll on day 2 and some self reasoning...yes i am a spoiled baby who dislikes anything new, yes i am a total loyal nerd who turns there nose up at things i don't already use and love. I was being harsh.
I started again with no expectations, it took a couple mixes to get a feel for how to lessen bubbles, how to get best results and before long i was using it as easily as my regular mastercast 121 ( by the same company ) I started to realise that the things i did not like actually made sense for a resin used in art. That the things i didn't like were actually a good thing and could be skirted around when trying to use this as a general resin.
I started to actually love this resin. Generally it behaved a lot like my mastercast 121 with some fine differences, improvements i would say. BUT i still love my trusty mastercast and will never stop using it! Now i covered a lot in my video below so pop over to take a gander at what i filmed and learn how to make some awesome faux stained glass resin art while your at it. Video is at the bottom of this post. But as i am a complete un-organised , cloud headed artist there are a couple of things i did not mention in the video which are of great importance. Well they are if you make resin jewellery!
Firstly i forgot to mention sanding the resin...yes it sands easily like most other epoxies!Use the same tools and techniques you are already using.
Viscosity - another really important fact is this resin is more fluid than most epoxies on the market, this thinner more fluid formula is why it has better bubble release qualities and crystal clear finish.
Glazing - i glaze with resin and this was great at being used to create a shiny top coat.
Doming - it was a pleasure to use to dome, thick enough to get a decent dome and i didnt get any overspill and the quicker first stage of setting up meant it was less likely to spill.
Resin amounts- slight variation if you mix a tiny amount and a large amount is really your bubble release. With small amount i suggest using your normal bubble release tricks like preheating and using a flame to pop any after pouring. Larger amounts had great bubble release and hardly needed any flame popping.
Odour - I have hypersensitivity which means super human sense of smell, i guess in a way it voids my review of how it smells lol...the resin smelled of chemical cleanliness and the hardener a slight ammonia, but i stuck it under the nose of innocent visitors and they all said it was odourless. So boo me and my superwoman nose!
Clean up - like regular epoxy i managed to clean down most of my space with baby wipes or used nail polish to get rid of left over stickiness, easy mess free clean up.
Trimming - now if your a resin jewellery maker you will know what i mean by trimming, we either use scissors or a blade to remove over pour before sanding, and as this resin takes a bit longer to fully harden it was easy to do both, i did find there was a slight slight sticky feel if you demoulded too soon but regular use of the resin would teach you when you could without issue.
Ratio - its a 1-1 ratio mix so using measuring spoons or cups keeps you right.
Cure time - the first stage from liquid to gel was very quick, hard to be exact as i didn't time it but 20-30 minutes at a guess. After that it developed a really hard shiny top layer which would fool you into believing it was cured but underneath was still very bendy and soft. The actual full cure to rock hard was overnight and a bit, so i would say 18-24 hours give or take.
The finished shine - super shiny and solid, i loved the clarity once it fully cured!
Where can you get it? well its not been released yet but if you follow eli chem resin on facebook ( )then i'm sure they will be telling the lovely resin followers as soon as its ready. And they do now ship to many overseas countries too...yay!
Will i buy it ? Yes i think i would, but i would use it alongside my regular resin and choose the resin per project. More intricate resin jewellery i think i need the longer liquid stage. I am a resinner who tries to use as few layers as i can and fit different details into one layer at different stages of curing. But i know many resin crafters who work in several layers that this would be ideal for, faster set up means getting through more layers on a piece faster. For doming and glazing this has to be a winner though, its got enough thickness to hold a good dome while being fluid enough to spread easily, good bubble release means less time messing with heat tools and its quicker to thicken and not likely to spill over. And for an art resin project its absolutely perfect!
Friday, 12 February 2016
Happy Friday in the sick house of poorly children and half assed housework.
I figured it had been a really long time since i had just a general catch up blog! You know one of them pointless posts about why i have failed to keep you interested in DIY fabness or revealing new items. Truth is i simply have not had it in me.
My children came down with a slow passing lergy and have been off school most of this week, my house is not as tidy and prim as it could be and my workspace looks like the reject desk at a craft magazine when there searching for inspiration. I simply have come to a BLEUUURGGGHHH moment!
Well so far this year i mean who can blame me, post xmas blues where your recovering from the splurging and over spending. No one is really buying lots of cute quirky things from me so that normally leaves my time in the new year to dedicate to other things. Craft videos, ideas and new products. Truth is i've been so busy learning how to make the best ever wax melts i can and finding the process harder than i first imagined! See the down side to being a madame of perfection means you can not let one single 'not up to scratch' item leave your domain! That means lots of making, testing and well huffing and puffing when its not quite right and definitely NO listing any for sale! There will be a grand reveal , I am just not sure when ?!?!?!
My resin desk is like a desert plain with tumble weed blowing by as i seem to have gotten into the naughty habit of sitting watching youtube videos instead of actually creating...I am getting inspired i hear you yell! No i am not really....I am however being lazy and using it as a fabulous excuse.
I have a new bee in my bonnet whispering naughty evil thoughts about buying all new craft supplies and starting to paper craft! All in a good cause you understand, to make my own packaging super pretty and a whole new look to my parcels....... honest!
My kids have been doing well in school, My other halves business is in the process of a rejuvenation and heading in a new direction so it feels a lot like everything is up in the air. You have to take those scary steps though to succeed. Ever moving, ever growing.
I know this post has turned into a bit of a chin wag over the back fence, like neighbours catching up HAHA so i'll end with a project i did actually get round to doing this week . Thats a dolphin themed gift set .
Have a good weekend :)
My children came down with a slow passing lergy and have been off school most of this week, my house is not as tidy and prim as it could be and my workspace looks like the reject desk at a craft magazine when there searching for inspiration. I simply have come to a BLEUUURGGGHHH moment!
Well so far this year i mean who can blame me, post xmas blues where your recovering from the splurging and over spending. No one is really buying lots of cute quirky things from me so that normally leaves my time in the new year to dedicate to other things. Craft videos, ideas and new products. Truth is i've been so busy learning how to make the best ever wax melts i can and finding the process harder than i first imagined! See the down side to being a madame of perfection means you can not let one single 'not up to scratch' item leave your domain! That means lots of making, testing and well huffing and puffing when its not quite right and definitely NO listing any for sale! There will be a grand reveal , I am just not sure when ?!?!?!
My resin desk is like a desert plain with tumble weed blowing by as i seem to have gotten into the naughty habit of sitting watching youtube videos instead of actually creating...I am getting inspired i hear you yell! No i am not really....I am however being lazy and using it as a fabulous excuse.
I have a new bee in my bonnet whispering naughty evil thoughts about buying all new craft supplies and starting to paper craft! All in a good cause you understand, to make my own packaging super pretty and a whole new look to my parcels....... honest!
My kids have been doing well in school, My other halves business is in the process of a rejuvenation and heading in a new direction so it feels a lot like everything is up in the air. You have to take those scary steps though to succeed. Ever moving, ever growing.
I know this post has turned into a bit of a chin wag over the back fence, like neighbours catching up HAHA so i'll end with a project i did actually get round to doing this week . Thats a dolphin themed gift set .
Have a good weekend :)
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
DIY little felt bird ornament...cute sewing project
This week I am sharing with you one of my favourite felt projects. I designed this a very long time ago and found them to be a great gift item for various occasions. They can be made in so many colours and styles. Both with legs and without.
This is the rough pattern i made, If you print this on a4 size then it gives you the size of bird i use but it can be sized to pretty much anything you desire.
You will need ;-
Felt, Sewing pins,stuffing, sharp scissors, your template, needle and thread. Seed bead for eyes and craft wire if you want to add feet for standing birds.Wire cutting and shaping tools, nail varnish in your choice of colour to paint the legs and feet.
You will cut out the template , maybe neaten my lines as you go as there so awful hahaha. Pin them to your felt and draw around. I find drawing your outlines much better and more accurate. Just be sure to draw them on the back of your felt facing your pieces accordingly.
This is the rough pattern i made, If you print this on a4 size then it gives you the size of bird i use but it can be sized to pretty much anything you desire.
You will need ;-
Felt, Sewing pins,stuffing, sharp scissors, your template, needle and thread. Seed bead for eyes and craft wire if you want to add feet for standing birds.Wire cutting and shaping tools, nail varnish in your choice of colour to paint the legs and feet.
You will cut out the template , maybe neaten my lines as you go as there so awful hahaha. Pin them to your felt and draw around. I find drawing your outlines much better and more accurate. Just be sure to draw them on the back of your felt facing your pieces accordingly.
Ok to make the bird is a little more complicated . I am going to film the process and add the video below this as soon as its ready!
Saturday, 30 January 2016
DIY Rosette badge tutorial, perfect for birthdays!
I made a new youtube video today and despite loads of technological difficulties i finally got it up. Its a tutorial on making yourself some cute and funky rosettes to give to your family on friends on birthdays, special awards, or even christmas. Fin and easy to make.
They are cute and bright and can be customised to almost any colour or design theme.
They are cute and bright and can be customised to almost any colour or design theme.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Watch me work, Making a resin unicorn head necklace from scratch.
I was recently asked to make a custom order necklace in specific colours by a client, she also asked that i document the process as she would love to see it being made . So i went one better and filmed the whole process making a high speed step by step of the necklace from start to finish.
I hope you enjoy watching me create, I apologise for my poor filming skills i do hope i will get better in time lol.
I hope you enjoy watching me create, I apologise for my poor filming skills i do hope i will get better in time lol.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
January is the beginning of new things at
So as the title suggest I have some new news. New announcement ? I don't know lol! Anywhooo The new year kick started my new line of a quality delicious product. Wax melts!
I had never even heard of these until the very end of last year and once I did I swooped upon any information I could like an eagle to its prey. After weeks of researching, youtubing, sourcing and obsessing I got round to trying my very first melts today !!
And I am pleased to say that I did rather well!
I had never even heard of these until the very end of last year and once I did I swooped upon any information I could like an eagle to its prey. After weeks of researching, youtubing, sourcing and obsessing I got round to trying my very first melts today !!
And I am pleased to say that I did rather well!
My first trials were more of a getting to grips with wax, working out the scent measurements and trying to be creative. Its not as easy as it looks! I'm a master of resin and was able to apply many of my skills to wax instead but I still found it challenging. The Heart tart melts are tutti fruity scented and was my first time mixing my own scent too! I sourced only premium waxes and fragrances online as I want my products to be the best!
My next melts were a little more adventurous. I aim to be different and have pretty melts rather than plain ones. I think I achieved it with these strawberry and pear unicorns!
So now I'm storing them in sealed tubs for a few weeks to let the scents develop. Apparently this intensifies the smell so we will see. I have reviewers waiting to test them for me and watch this space!!!!
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